Safeguarding Information
If you are concerned for the safety or wellbeing of a child at Herons’ Moor Academy please contact one of the designated safeguarding leads:
Designated Lead – Julie fox, Principal
Deputy Designated Leads – David Beesley, Donna Harris, Karen Tucker
Telephone: 01934 441901
Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Aims
At Herons’ Moor Academy we aim to:
- Provide an environment in which everyone feels secure, valued and happy.
- Develop each child so they become a responsible citizen who will contribute positively to society.
- Develop a culture of respect through an awareness, understanding and acceptance of others.
- Provide a supportive and positive learning environment.
- Value and promote honesty, trust, openness, tolerance, consideration and kindness.
- Provide appropriate learning opportunities so each child can become responsible for their own learning and work to their maximum potential.
- Recognise and celebrate all achievement.
Children at Herons’ Moor Academy use the internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. In school we have regular E-Safety activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online. When using the iPads and laptops children are continually reminded of how to keep themselves safe and get the best from the amazing resources of the internet. The CLF uses Impero to help us monitor the use of the internet and immediately alerts us to any inappropriate content.
Below are a few links to some very useful information regarding E-Safety for parents, carers and children in different languages:
Children’s internet safety quiz
The ‘Thinkuknow’ website has been designed by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, who you may have seen commenting on issues in the News. This is a valuable source of information for children, parents, carers and teachers for learning about E-Safety and has some top tips on issues such as social networking. Jessie & Friends is a new series of three animations which aims to give 4–7-year-olds the knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online. To visit the Think U Know website click here:
‘Childnet’ provides useful links to websites relating to E-Safety for parents and carers.
Safeguarding Resources
The ‘Thinkuknow’ website has been designed by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, who you may have seen commenting on issues in the News. There’s lots of information here for children, parents, carers and teachers. It is a great resource for learning about E-Safety and has some top tips on issues such as social networking. Jessie & Friends is a new series of three animations which aims to give 4-7 year olds the knowledge, skills and confidence to help them respond safely to risks they may encounter online. To visit the Think U Know website click here:
‘Childnet’ provides lots of useful links to websites relating to E-Safety for parents and carers.
For advice from the NCA on how to help young people avoid the risks of getting involved in cybercrime, and how to work with parents and carers on this issue visit:
The Prevent duty became law back in 2015. This is a duty on all schools and registered early years providers to have due regard to preventing people being drawn into terrorism. In order to protect children in our care, we must be alert to any reason for concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere.
The following website has a wealth of information about this subject: