All children in reception year, year 1 and year 2 can have a school meal every day for free, just let your school know each day at morning registration so they know the number of pupils the school kitchen should cook for.
Any child attending a North Somerset school whose parents or carers are on certain benefits is entitled to receive free meals at school.
What benefits must parents or carers receive to qualify for free school meals?
To qualify for free school meal, parents or carers must receive one or more of these benefits:
- child tax credit, provided your annual income as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs does not exceed £16,190. If you receive working tax credit you will not be entitled unless you’re in receipt of a four-week run-on
- guarantee element of state pension credit
- income support
- income-based job seekers allowance
- income-related employment support allowance
- support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Yes, If you have a child in reception year, year 1 or year 2 but think you are eligible to free school meals because of the benefits you receive, please complete the free school meals application form so we can keep your details up to date as you may be eligible for other financial assistance for things like school trips.
Completing an application form will help to avoid interruptions to your child’s school meals when they change from year 2 to year 3. The school also benefits as they receive funding based on the amount of pupils in their school who are eligible for free school meals, so the more pupils who apply and are entitled to free school meals, the more funding available for the school.
If your child is starting reception year in September, please send your form in to us from July onwards as this is the earliest we can accept forms for this year group. If you have older children (in year 3 and above), please apply as normal and list all your children on the form, even if they are in year R, 1 or 2.
Currently school meals are priced as follows;
1 day – £2.00
2 days – £4.00
3 days – £6.00
4 days – £8.00
5 days – £10.00
Payment for your child’s meals is made each Monday in advance for that week (unless a Bank Holiday, when it will be the Tuesday immediately following the Bank Holiday). All payments need to be made on You can inform us of which days your child would like a school meal by stating in the “notes” field the week commencing and the day(s).
Alternatively payment for meals is welcome a month or term in advance.
Should arrears occur you will be notified in writing, if the outstanding balance becomes equal to 10 meals we will no longer be able to provide your child with a hot meal, and you will receive a telephone call informing you of this. The school is not obliged to provide food, its duty is to provide education. The option of providing food is a service that parents either pay for or are eligible for free school meals (see below for FSM details).
All outstanding arrears will need to be settled two weeks before the end of each term, otherwise the debt will be referred to the Academy Solicitor for action.
Meals are ordered with the kitchen by 10.30 a.m. each day, therefore if a child is sent home for any reason after this time the meal will still need to be paid for.