Herons’ Moor Academy is an inclusive, mainstream school, which provides education for Primary aged children with or without an Education, Health Care Plan. We currently have 450 children on roll.
Key Contacts
Assistant Headteacher: Donna Harris (SENCO) (Mon-Thu)
Qualifications: Post Grad Certificate – Special Needs Co-ordination, BA Hons
[email protected]
Pupil Family Liaison Worker: Catherine Williams (Mon-Fri)
Learning Mentor: Karen Tucker (Mon-Fri)
Contact details: 01934 441901
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? What can the school do?
If you have any concerns about the progress your child is making at school then your first point of call should be the class teacher. You can make an appointment to meet with them and discuss your concerns. The class teacher will then refer any concerns to Donna Harris who will contact you to speak about possible actions. Concerns you have may be around reading and writing, number skills, behaviour problems, speech and language, sensory problems or emotional and social development. Other members of the Inclusion Team will also be involved if the difficulties are social, emotional or behavioural.
How does the school decide who might need extra support?
Each class teacher is responsible for the progress of all children in their class. They use quality first teaching, observations and regular assessment to identify any cause for concern. The school will also check each child’s progress throughout their school year/life and refer any children who appear to be falling behind or struggling in any area. These children will be referred to Donna Harris who will decide if internal interventions will help or whether we need to refer to outside agencies. Outside agencies may include Speech & Language, Educational Psychologist, Community Paediatrician, Occupational Therapist, School Nurse, Behaviour Improvement Programme, advisory teacher etc. Parents will be kept informed throughout this process.
How does the school make provision for pupils with additional needs with or without an EHCP?
We provide support for children in many different ways. Some children’s needs will be met by adapted work or small group work with adult support. At times some children may need 1:1 support from a teaching assistant (TA) to help them access their learning. Where necessary children may have a personalised curriculum which suits their learning needs. The whole building is accessible, we have a lift and ramped access points. We share a hydrotherapy pool which is used by some pupils to meet their physiotherapy needs.
What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of children with additional needs?
In addition to high quality provision from the class teacher all children have access to our Inclusion Team. Our Inclusion Team and other TAs work with individual children and small groups using programmes to help explore emotions and feelings. We also run Social Skills groups, Circle of Friends and Seasons for Growth so that children can develop skills they need to help them cope throughout their life.
Our Inclusion Team also runs a number of Lunch Clubs. Children are invited to come along when they are struggling to play appropriately on the playground or when they are having friendship issues.
How will parents of children of additional needs be consulted about and involved in the education of their children?
If your child receives any additional support then you will be informed by the Class Teacher or Inclusion Team. Depending on the support provided your child may have an individual Pupil Target Plan or a group provision plan. This plan will be written by the class teacher and shared with the child’s parents. They will be reviewed at intervals throughout the year or the course of the additional support. Some children who receive more long term support will be on the school’s SEN register. Parents will be informed of this. Parents can meet with class teachers during parents’ evenings or can arrange to meet with teachers and/or the Inclusion Leader at any time.
How will the children with additional needs be consulted about and involved in their education?
Children will be consulted throughout the year by their class teacher and teaching assistant. Children who have an annual review may be invited to help organise and take part in their meeting. If we hold an individual transition meeting for your child, they will be asked for their views too.
How does the school involve other bodies, including health and social care, support agencies and voluntary organisations in a) meeting the needs of the children and b) supporting families of such children?
Parents are always consulted to see if they agree to the school seeking advice and/or acquiring additional support. The Inclusion Team will then make a referral. Parents will be invited to meet the support agencies. Information from these meetings will be copied to the parents.
What are the arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of children with additional needs, concerning the provision made at the school?
If a parent has a concern or a complaint to make it should, in the first instance, be directed to Mrs Fox verbally or in writing. If the parent is not happy with the outcome of this they should then follow the guidance outlined in our complaints policy available on the website.
North Somerset Local Offer